

💻 Technology


  • JavaScript
  • Python
  • HTML5
  • CSS

Frameworks, Libraries + Packages

  • React
  • Node.js
  • Redux
  • Context API
  • Express
  • SQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • bcrypt
  • Knex
  • Styled-Components
  • Bootstrap
  • Axios
  • React Router


  • AWS
  • Okta Auth
  • Git Version Control
  • Vercel
  • Heroku
  • Netlify
  • Jest Testing
  • Cypress

⭐️ Throughout my studies, I have created multiple applications utilizing existing APIs, as well as built my own API that connects to a React front-end application.

⭐️ I have experience with user authentication using JWT authentication tokens and password hashing and encryption with the bcrypt library.

⭐️ I am comfortable using state management systems Context API and Redux in a React application.

⭐️ I have experience writing unit tests, integration tests, and end-to-end tests with Jest, React Testing Library, and Cypress.

📝 Articles

🎓 Education

Lambda School, Remote

Fully endorsed in Web Development and Technical Interviewing

University of Texas, Austin

Bachelor of Arts in Theatre and Dance

Minor in Business Foundations
